The Art of Asking – getting clear on what you want!

What does it take to clearly ask for what you want and get it?

Asking directly for something we want is not something we were ever taught to do, we were taught to put our own needs or wants at the bottom of the list in favor of others. However, there comes a time when we want more, we want to move forward, implement positive change and we need to ask for help and guidance with this.

Here are some steps we can take to get clear on what we're asking for.

1. First of all, know what you want:

This is a step often overlooked, we often just rhyme off a shopping list of things that we may have heard other people looking for, we don't really take the time to really check in with ourselves to see what it is we truly want. So, to break this process down; 

(a) Is it a problem you want to resolve? What is the best possible outcome you want to see and what steps are you willing to take to bring a resolution.

(b) Money. You are asking for money, is this a one-time cash input to get you out of a spot? Are you looking for your monthly income to be increased? Are you looking for more clients in your business? Or is it an increase in your salary? You really need to get clear on which of these questions you need to answer and if it's yes to all of them, take each one 1 by 1 and put an amount beside each one.

Or if it is something else?

(c) Specify, exactly what that is.  Does it involve materials, people, knowledge, or travel? 

2. Be clear, direct, and specific. 

Make it ridiculously clear what you're asking for, like you're explaining it to a child. Keep writing it down until you are completely clear.

3. Check in with you.

Ground yourself into the earth, visualize your mind and body meeting in the heart center. Look at your ask, asking does this resonate with me and is this really what I want? 

Asking is about connection, you are creating a space where the universe can give and guide you and a space where you can receive. And of course, if you don't ask, the answer is always no. Also, the art of asking and being clear is hugely helpful in decision making, so it is a good overall exercise.

If you find you are continually asking, knowing what you want but are not getting any feedback from the universe, there may be a few reasons. It may be your energy is saying no, through feelings of unworthiness, guilt, and fear.

I can help you reset your energy and clear those emotions so that your energy is saying Yes, and you are open and ready to receive. 

If you are ready to receive what you truly deserve and desire, contact me here to have a clarity call and find best way for us to work together to open that flow of abundance.


The Trap Of Believing Your Own Thoughts.